The leader of global supply chain

Everyday we are thinking of how we can bring the quality productional products to you from around the world at the lowest possible pricing. This is what Promo Charger has been doing in the past 9 years.  After years of hard working, we are pround of being the expert and leader of the global supply chain for the promotional products. 

We know your pains in bringing the quality promotional product to the local market. 

You have pains to control over the quality of the products you are bringing in. Or you have chanllenge to control the varance of the product quality.

You have pains to control the overall landed cost as there are so many "chains" involved and each chain is easily broken: purchasing, project planning, custom, exporting, shipping, importing... 

The communication is always chanlleging when it comes to global supply chain, thinking of how difficult it will be when you are trying to change something during the production stage. 

Time cost. Even you get everything right. You may found the time you spent is not worth at all. 

Promocharger is constantly looking for ways to deliver promotional products to our customers at the lowest possible price, with the highest quality and fastest delivery times!

We understand you must have absolute trust in your supplier to produce and deliver the highest quality products in a seamless transaction from our factory to your door. We do this for you!

Our global supply chain makes it possible to provide you with sress free ordering as we employ an on-site quality control team to ensure you order is completed as you ordered,  on time with the highest quality!

We have an online order system that allows you to monitor the status of your order on a real time basis!  

We make it simple to include custom options on your order.

Promocharger is the leader in the global supply chain, and as such we offer the latest technology and innovation to ensure our products provide you the highest quality, quickest turnaround at the lowest price!

Your Promocharger team.
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